Friday, October 3, 2008

To be a Leader?

So I've been thinking - how do you go from pit bull to fox or better yet maybe to alpha dog of a large pack? The alpha dog resides the highest in the pack - his decisions will make the difference on if his pack will eat. Meanwhile he sits back appearing to be calm and relaxed - head high, proud of his pack - his accomplishments. A fox slipping through a field of grass gives the appearance of sneaking as he moves confidently and gracefully outwitting his foe or fiend.

Sitting in a conference call earlier this morning with my boss and some vendors, I noticed that I looked to him for 'signals'. "Should I pounce? And if so, how hard? Go for the jugular? Or nip at a heel?" My original question is important to me, because I see myself as a leader, but can't figure out how to get out of the 'lead-man' role and into the leader seat or from the pit bull to the alpha dog. Obviously you can't be a leader unless someone wants to follow. And furthermore, why would you lead unless you have a good reason - a reason that resides high in the values and priorities of the others willing to follow. Watching the national debate between Palin and Biden, I try to pick up some notes on leadership - two different approaches - Palin trying to show and explain why she should win a popularity contest and Biden demonstrating why he should win through actions. Sometimes those actions speak louder than words - the moment Biden paused on being a single parent after the death of his wife spoke volumes to me. Overcoming life challenges or hurdles says a lot about a person's character. To me anyways it seems to be a good indication of your sensitivity to other's issues and concerns and more of a willingness to get involved.
So what was the lesson here and how does it relate to my desire to learn how to become a leader? Obscure as it may be, I think it may rely heavily on 'confidence'. The things these people have in common - my boss, Palin, Biden - confidence that they will succeed - at least that is the face they show to us. Confidence that they are right, that their way is the correct way and the ability to convince you of the same. First, to be a leader, you must understand your audience - your followers. You have to understand what their wants and needs are and truly believe in them yourself and want them as much as they do and more. As a leader, you wear this passion on your sleeve - a badge of honor that drives you as the desire to breathe - desperate, aggresive, calm and natural together in seamless harmony. This is what makes you a leader - people look to you because you listen to them and they believe in you to guide them to their goals - their wants and desires. Yup - no monumental discovery here - possibly even as disappointing as discovering the common sense behind 'Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus'. Stay tuned for more mindless ramblings and random thoughts from your favorite Phatboy . . .

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